- What is it? Shodo and Bokuseki
- Shikishi mounted paper and silk
- Wooden Ema
Sho-do is the 'Art of writing', it is said to have originated with Buddhist monks in China and spread with formal education, at first writing was simply for the purpose of records and information, but as script became developed rules and beauty developed. Shodo encompasses many kinds of writing, two types most commonly are Shakyo - the copying of sutras as meditation, and as offering. In effort sincerity flows forward, by writing out the Heart sutra we embody in our single minded concentration it's meaning, even if we do not yet understand it intellectually.
The second is Shuji, phrases and single words. These are often taken from important phrases with sutras, Confusion poems and texts, and Jugaku collections, phrase collections of Zen Buddhism. An example of a Jugaku is 'Everyday a Good day'. These are to be confused with sayings for the day' or such but they communicate a reality connected to Zen practice realization.
bokusekiis means 'Ink traces' it is the writing of Zen monks and nuns. Unlike the writing of a calligraphy Artist, which seeks to command skill, just the right ink, just right character proportions, beauty and swanful grace, a study within it's self. A Zen monk paints Bukuseki with Skill-less-ness. All the things a calligrapher prizes are unimportant. A Zen monk does not train to be an Artist, he trains to open his mind. If his calligraphy is beautiful, or skilful it is almost be accident. His work represents his freedom of mind. Free but not jusyt any old writing or scribble, that is bokuseki.
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'Ichimonchi mo mata nashi'
7.5x36.5 (mounting 10.5x48.5cm)
signed Keizan Mujyo zenji
(There is) 'Not (even) a single thing' relates to the statement of Kufu in the Heart sutra 'all things (Ku) and nothing (Fu). That is nothing is separate, nothing is duality, but all things are at the same time. A negative statement of affirmation. We might also say There is a multitude of Things (existences). As large as the universe is, as small as one small particle of dust is, all things are and all things are not.
SJ0001 aus$45-
Shown here is detail of the brocade. In photos the gold has shown up a little brighter than it actually is.
Ink on paper/ cardboard and silk brocade mounting
7.5x36.5 (mounting 10.5x48.5cm)
signed Kiezan Mujyo zenji
'One day one life' This moment is now, with all it's opportunities and disappointments. All things before and after existing are this 'one'. We might also write Ten days Ten Lives. Measurement is not consequence.
SJ0002 aus$45-
Nichi nichi kore kinichi
Ink on paper/cardboard and silk brocade mounting
7.5x36.5 (mounting 10.5x48.5cm)
signed Kiezan Mujyo zenji
Every day a good day, sounds like advice but we can also say everyday a bad day, what then? In fact this statement is only one side of a coin and not mistaken for coin it's self. 'Everyday' is inclusive, without begining or end, and impartial, and good/bad specific and dualistic. Therefore this means All (Good, bad, large, small and none). Can you say it?
SJ0003 aus$45-
Ink on silk/ Cardboard and silk brocade mounting
10x15cm (mounting 19x23cm)
with seals, Kiezan Mujyo zenji
'Moon' represents oneness, but it lies out of ordinary reach and therefore represents nothingness also. Attaining the moon I attained nothing (and everything), the moon therefore represents Satori mind. It can also represent delusion. How close are you to the moon?
SJ0004 aus$45-
An Ox is driven not pulled, so how do we find ourselves? Are you the Ox? Are you the driver? Are you driving, pulling, or have you realized NO-OX? Can you show it?
ZG0001 aus$100 Sumi ink on pine Ema 42x60cm |
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Detail |
Head of a dragon, tail of a snake
Sumi ink of wood 10x60cm
If you look the knot in the wood is the eye of a dragon. The head of a dragon tail of a snake means all inclusive body and mind of awakening. Do you have the head of a dragon the tail of a snake? Do you see what the dragon can see?